
Help Us To Make A Difference

We’re on a mission to support those in need and give back to our community, with a collection across the park, supporting Launchpad, a leading homelessness prevention charity based in Reading. 

We are collecting items for the severe weather emergency protocol (SWEP) which aims to prevent rough sleeping during extreme cold weather. When night-time temperatures go below zero SWEP, provides emergency accommodation for rough sleepers.

Already our collection boxes are beginning to fill up with items requested including toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, soap, conditioner, porridge pots, pot noodles, pot pastas, soup in a cup, coffee, and long-life milk.

Our charity appeal is part of our ambition as Frasers Property and the park community to underline our commitment to social value.

๐Ÿ“… When: Now until November 15th.

๐Ÿ“ Where: All multi-let receptions

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